Ethics Advisory Panel

The Ethics Advisory Panel (Panel) was established by the Supreme Court in 1986 to provide Rhode Island attorneys with confidential advice on prospective behavior based on the Rules of Professional Conduct. Although attorneys are not required to abide by panel opinions, those who do so are fully protected from any subsequent charge of impropriety.

Panel opinions are published in the Rhode Island Bar Journal and the Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly. The State Law Library maintains a set of panel opinions along with a topical index. The American Bar Association/Bloomberg Law Lawyers Manual on Professional Conduct also indexes and publishes summaries of the panel opinions.​ Manual on Professional Conduct also indexes and publishes summaries of the panel opinions. In addition, Panel opinions are available here on the Judiciary's website.

The responsibilities of the Panel's attorney include advising the Panel on issues of legal ethics; drafting ethics opinions; and providing ethics research to the Panel.


​Lise J. Gescheidt, Esquire, Chair
Anthony F. DeMarco, Esquire
Mark S. Mandell, Esquire
Christopher S. Gontarz, Esquire
Richard A. ​​Boren, Esquire​​​
Justin Correa, Esquire, Legal Counsel​


​Ethics Advisory Panel
c/o Licht Judicial Complex
Office of General Counsel
250 Benefit Street
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
(401) 222-3267