Attorney Registration

Active and inactive attorneys are required to register with the Rhode Island Supreme Court each year by July 1 on the Rhode Island Supreme Court Attorney Portal (RISCAP)​. Attorneys who fail to register by the July 1 deadline are assessed a late fee in addition to the applicable registration fee and are removed from the Master Roll of Attorneys without further notice. Attorneys who are removed from the Master Roll of Attorneys are prohibited from practicing law in Rhode Island.​

If you have failed to pay your annual attorney registration fees by the July 1 deadline and you have been removed from the Master Roll of Attorneys, you must seek reinstatement Changes to Licensing Status,​ in order to return to the Master Roll. The Clerk’s Office does not have the authority to waive the late fee. If a removed attorney would like to request a waiver of the late fee, the attorney may submit a request of the waiver fee pursuant to Article IV, Rule 1(j) of the Supreme Court Rules for Periodic Registration of Attorneys for the Court’s consideration.​

Please note that attorney registration and the payment of registration fees to the Supreme Court does not constitute payment of membership dues to the Rhode Island Bar Association.​

Inactive attorneys who are seventy (70) years of age or older are exempt from the annual attorney registration requirement but must notify the Clerk of the Supreme Court within thirty (30) days of any change to the registration information.​

All attorneys admitted to practice law in Rhode Island must become a member of the Rhode Island Bar Association and complete the Bridge the Gap course requirements. Payment of registration fees to the Supreme Court does not constitute payment of the Rhode Island Bar Association dues. Once admitted, attorneys are subject to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and must comply with mandatory continuing legal education requirements set forth in Article IV, Rule 3​​.​

 Attorney Registration Fees

Attorney Status​
​Active, In-house Counsel, or Temporarily Admitted Attorneys
​Inactive under age seventy (70) *
​Inactive aged seventy (70) or older
​Late Fee **

* If the attorney’s date of birth falls after the July 1 deadline, the attorney is required to submit annual attorney registration and the required fee. There are no exceptions to this rule.
** The late fee is in addition to the registration filing fee.​​