Rhode Island Judiciary Public Portal (Public Portal), which is separate from the case management system or the electronic filing system, is the point of entry for electronic access to case information from the Rhode Island Judiciary’s (Judiciary) database whether at the courthouse or remotely. The database is an electronic collection of court records displayed as a register of actions or docket sheet. The register of actions or docket sheet in the Public Portal lists parties, case events, document filings, or other activities in a case set forth in chronological order. Access to the entries listed in the register of actions or docket sheet is based upon security rights and roles as further defined in the Request for Access to Case Information and Rhode Island Judiciary Data Subscription Agreement (Subscription Agreement), a copy of which is located on the right-hand side of this page.
Courthouse Access to Case Information
The Supreme, Superior, Family, District, and Workers' Compensation Courts and the Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal shall have computer terminals available in the respective clerks’ offices in each of the courthouses for use by anyone who wishes to review the electronic documents filed in the Judiciary’s case management system during regular business hours. Access shall include all public electronic case information. This access does not include access to sealed cases or documents or confidential case types, documents, or information as defined in the Rhode Island Judiciary Rules of Practice Governing Public Access to Electronic Case Information (Public Access Rules).
Attorneys who have entered an appearance in a case shall have electronic access at the respective clerks’ offices in each of the courthouses to all documents and information about a case in which they are representing a party. This access does not include access to sealed cases or documents. Self-represented litigants and parties to a case shall have electronic access at the respective clerks’ offices in each of the courthouses to all documents and information about a case in which they are named a party. This access does not include access to sealed cases or documents. Attorneys, self-represented litigants, and parties shall have no greater access than the public to information about cases in which the foregoing are not directly involved.
Remote Access to Case Information
A. The Public, Self-represented Litigants, and Parties to a Case
The public, self-represented litigants, and parties in a case shall have remote access to the register of actions or docket but shall not have remote access to other electronic case information.
B. Attorneys
For Rhode Island admitted attorneys only. An attorney who has entered an appearance on behalf of a client in a case shall have remote access to all documents and information about a case in which the attorney is representing a party. This access may not include access to sealed cases or documents. For all other cases in which the attorney is not directly involved, the attorney shall have remote access to the register of actions or docket and public electronic case information, including documents. To register for remote electronic access, attorneys shall email the Judicial Technology Center (JTC) at HelpDesk@courts.ri.gov, request access to case information, and attach a signed Request for Access to Case Information and Rhode Island Judiciary Data Subscription Agreement. A JTC representative will respond by sending you a username and password. You may change your password once you access your account through the Public Portal.
C. State or Federal Agencies
Authorized state or federal agencies and employees thereof that require access to case information in order to assist the state or federal agency in performing a lawful function shall also register for remote electronic access. This access does not include access to sealed cases or documents or confidential case types, documents, or information as defined in the Public Access Rules except in specific circumstances as authorized by the Judiciary. State or federal agencies shall be approved for access by the Supreme Court. Each state or federal agency shall have a contact person(s) who is authorized to submit signed Subscription Agreements to the Judiciary for state or federal agency employees who require access to case information. An authorized contact person(s) from the state or federal agency shall email the JTC at HelpDesk@courts.ri.gov, request access to case information, and attach a signed Request for Access to Case Information and Rhode Island Judiciary Data Subscription Agreement for all state or federal agency employees. The JTC will respond by sending usernames and passwords to the employees. Employees may change passwords after accessing the account through the Public Portal.
Attorney and External Agencies ONLY - Forgot Your Password?
If you forgot your password, please click on the “Rhode Island Judiciary Public Portal for Attorneys and Agencies” under “Quick Links", then click on “Forgot Password?” and follow the prompts.