District Court

 Veteran Mentor Volunteer Program

The mission of the veteran mentor volunteer program is to ensure that every veteran that becomes involved in the judicial system receives the attention and guidance the veteran may require through mentors that have related experience and a genuine concern for veterans. ​​​

Mentors attend court session with participants and put on a monthly graduation ceremony as participants successfully complete the program. ​​​​

The goals of the veteran mentor volunteer program are as follows: ​​​​

  • To be a mentor, advocate, and ally for those veterans involved in the judicial system;
  • To assess the needs of fellow veterans with the adjustment back into civilian life;
  • To assist fellow veterans in receiving the appropriate level of services needed to reach the veteran’s full potential as productive members of society.
  • To assist fellow veterans in navigating the Rhode Island Judiciary, outpatient, and inpatient treatment systems when applicable, and the veteran’s affairs system.

To be referred to the veteran mentor volunteer program, please contact Veterans Treatment Calendar Coordinator Emma Marietti at (401) 822-6797.

If you are interested in the application process for becoming a volunteer veteran mentor, please contact veteran mentor volunteer program Director Colonel (RET) William P. Babcock at (401) 524-4664.​​