District Court

 Landlord/Tenant Evictions

Landlord/tenant relationships are governed under Title 34, Chapter 18, the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act. Civil matters filed in the District Court have a jurisdictional amount of $10,000. However, the District Court has inherent power on landlord/tenant matters with no jurisdictional dollar amount.

The following is a list of different types of landlord/tenant matters:​​

  1. Eviction for non-payment of rent - This only for residential property when a tenant is fifteen (15) days or more in arrears (money that is owed and should have been paid earlier) of paying rent.
  2. Eviction for reasons other than non-payment of rent - This is only for residential property. There are two (2) types of evictions, Notice of Termination of Tenancy and Notice of Non-compliance with Rental Agreement.
  3. Eviction for reasons other than non-payment of rent - This is only for residential property. There are two (2) types of evictions, Notice of Termination of Tenancy and Notice of Non-compliance with Rental Agreement.

Restraining Orders

When a landlord unlawfully removes or excludes the tenant from the premises or willfully diminishes services to the tenant by interrupting or causing the interruption of heat, running water, hot water, electric, gas, or other essential services

Legal Assistance

Enforcement and compliance with the Landlord/Tenant Act sometimes requires that action be taken with regard to possible violations. A tenant may contact the following agencies for assistance:

​Center for Justice
1 Empire Plaza Suite 410
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
(401) 491-1101

Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights
180 Westminster Street
Third Floor
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
(401) 222-2661
Rhode Island Housing
44 Washington Street
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
(401) 457-1234
Rhode Island Legal Services
56 Pine Street
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
(401) 274-2652 ​​